FRIGS is a Toronto-based band that pairs the raw, emotional grunge
of PJ Harvey with the immersive, psychedelic post-punk of early
Sonic Youth. With each member bringing a unique set of influences,
FRIGS creates a sound that is hard to pin down and an impression
that’s unshakable.
Led by the force of Bria’s vocals, the band has earned a reputation
for putting on an hypnotic and visceral live performance. Embracing
the mercurial and experimental, their shows are built upon instinct; a
vocal growl can unexpectedly give way to a hushed whisper; languid
drones boil over into guttural and searing tones.
Maintaining the communal, do-it-yourself spirit of their forbearers, the
band bought recording equipment and turned their Toronto apartment
into a studio where they wrote, engineered, and mixed their 2016
Slush EP and two-sided single Chest / Trashyard.

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