
"The Skin of Our Teeth"

About "The Skin of Our Teeth"

Constellation Theatre Company Presents "The Skin of Our Teeth"

Spanning time from the invention of the wheel to modern-day suburbia, "The Skin of Our Teeth" is Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Thornton Wilder at his most delightfully playful and provocative. Constellation Theatre Company presents this allegorical satire following the Antrobus family of New Jersey, and their melodramatic maid Sabina, as the perpetually befuddled yet indefatigable clan deals with mammoths and dinosaurs in their living room, multiple Ice Ages, biblical floods, and -- horrors upon horrors -- political conventions, persevering in the face of an absurd series of catastrophes. Through it all, "The Skin of Our Teeth" is also the story of the theater company putting on the play, adding yet another layer of meaning as this wildly entertaining production from Constellation Theatre Company takes the stage of the Source in Washington D.C.
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