
Zero Mercury, Gravity Lens, Pharmacy Prophets

Jammin Java
Sat May 30 10pm Ages: family friendly
Gravity LensPharmacy ProphetsZero Mercury

About Zero Mercury, Gravity Lens, Pharmacy Prophets

You are reading this because somehow the path of your life's journey led you here. For what reason I cannot tell you and it may not become clear for some time, or indeed ever. I am grateful however that it has, and I hope that you'll come back often, and dwell as a friend and participant in this positive collaboration and expression of that which is without words, beyond knowing, and ever growing in momentum.

Zero Mercury is a collective of musicians and artists coming together to inspire, create, and enjoy translating the beauty of this amazing experience we call life. If you write, paint, draw, photograph, play, film, record, sing, or support any of the above - we're so glad you found us, and happen to believe that it's no coincidence that you found your way here.

We have the great fortune of being based out of The Green Room, which allows us to record every moment and every Jam. Some of these moments become songs, and some of them remain one-off, never to be repeated improvised moments - the first of which is posted here. Guiding Presence was an improvised moment, a shared meditative experience; that happened on June 6th 2009 and is presented here in its entirety. Our goal is to begin posting a track a week, although it may be more like a song a month at first.

We'd very much like for you to participate too. Let's blur the lines between all forms of artistic expression! Send us examples of your passion and let's discuss how we can build a community of expression through audible and visual means. We're looking for fellow artists to create with us, both online and in a live "show" type environment. Video editors, writers, musicians, and artists unite for the greater good. Let's create shows that move us all. Shows that we can all participate in, and enjoy together. Let's remove the "us and them" mentality. Let's redefine what a show us. Let's redefine what a band is. Let's become a positive expression of unity, and stillness through art. No ego, just creativity and expression.

If you believe in this vision please feel free to share us with your like minded friends. Together we can create something so very beautiful.

Gravity Lens is an original duo from the Washington, DC area formed in 2014. The music is a blend of electronic/industrial and organic rock and roll. Phil Rossi (lead vocals, electronics, guitars, and noise) and Gio Hernandez (lead guitars and noise) are the lineup. Influences include Radiohead, Nine in Nails, Depeche Mode, Interpol, Muse, Imogen Heap, Peter Murphy, the Doors, and more.

To quote Lemmy - "we play rock and roll."

That sums it up. We play rock and roll in different flavors and stripes, but it's still just a rock and roll band, and just a rock and roll band is the best thing to be.

We have a long way to go.....stay tuned.

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